Sunday, February 28, 2010

Transferred to Rio Verde

"I spent 5 hours on a bus with my companion from the area Parque Amazonias to Rio Verde! Yay! We´re finally here and I am so excited to get to work!"

"Because we are the first sisters here in over a year, we have to start from scratch when it comes to housing. We moved into the house they rented for us and there were beds and 2 chairs...that´s it. No refrigerator, no oven/stove, no tables, no washing machine, no iron, nothing but the things we packed in our bags with us. So, this week we will slowly but surely be getting our furniture and then we can really settle down. Because there are only 5 areas where sisters can serve right now, it´s not uncommon to spend 4-6 months in the same area. I´m excited because I´ve been living out of a suitcase for the past 3 weeks and now I can finally unpack...once we have a dresser."

"Rio Verde, what little I´ve seen in the past 24 hours is a bustling city, but I´ve heard that our area also covers farmland. There are macaws that just kind of fly around and live in the palm trees that line the medians of the road. Welcome to Brazil! "

"Silvia (an investigator) didn´t know if Joseph Smith was a prophet or not and she didn´t understand why she had to be baptized again when she was already baptized in another church. Sis. Judd had already addressed these concerns when she was teaching her before I came to the field. So we all knelt down and Silvia prayed aloud to know, then and there. Heavenly Father heard her prayer and the spirit was so strong that as soon as she finished the prayer, she said she wanted to be baptized that Sunday. So she was!"

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